How to fix failed Java JDK/JRE install on Debian/Ubuntu dpkg error

It's one of those issues, where the fix is simple and dumb, but hard to find. I was struggling to install default-jre package on Debian 10 Docker container (I suspect it's the same on some versions of Ubuntu). I always got the same error at the end:

Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

I've tried with different packages default-jdk, default-jreopenjdk-11-jre-headlessopenjdk-8-jre-headless and the result was the same.

Facebook Ads Manager payment method change error fix

Recently I tried to change the credit card used as a payment method in my Facebook Ads account. This may seem like a straightforward thing to do, but apparently it's not :).

So adding the card itself wasn't the problem, but when I tried to make it primary, so that facebook can charge it automatically this error appeared:

"This credit card can't be set as your account's primary payment method, because your account is set up to be billed after your ads have delivered. This setup can't be changed. Please try a different card or payment method."

From the little research I did on this topic, it seems that facebook accounts can be set to different charge methods, before delivery, after delivery etc, but this can't be changed after the account is created, you have to create new one...

The best NeoVim/Vim PHP autocomplete plugin by far

Ever since I started using VIM/NeoVim as my primary IDE for PHP development, I felt the need for better autocomplete, with methods, namespaces, go-to definitions and all the good stuff that big IDE's autocomplete systems like PHPStorm already have. Many times, I've tried and searched for a good php autocomplete plugin, but I've never managed to find one.

FED QE4 or QE Infinity?

At the beginnig of 2018 the long-awaited QT (Quantitative tightening) was started by the FED. QT in plain words means shrinking the money supply, the opposite of QE (Quantitative Easing) which is expanding the money supply or simply printing money.

QE was the main tool used to stimulate the economy and fight the recession started late 2008. Ben Bernanke was the FED charman back then, and he promissed that QE was just temporary and at some point when the economy is in good shape this will be reverted. Fast forward 10 years and FED chairman is Jarome Powell. At the beginning of 2018 the US FED slowly began to shrink it's balance sheet, year and a half later Aug 2019, the've manage to cut off almost 700 billion dollars, but then something happened.

Hello world

Hello world (:, this is my first blog post.

I've managed to create this simple blog platform during the Christmas holidays using PHP and the new version of the Symfony 5 Framework.

This process took me only 5-6 hours, this is how good Symfony has become.

Happy holidays!