Archive December 2023

How to fix DataTables Incorrect column count

You may be getting the following DataTables error when trying to initialize a table:

DataTables warning: table id=DataTables_Table_0 - Incorrect column count. For more information about this error, please see

It states that you have an incorrect column count, but that is not always the cause.

Example fixes are described in this post.

How to fix Unexpected item 'parameters › doctrine' in PHPStan doctrine extension

Today while I was configuring PHPStan with the phpstan-doctrine extension I stumbled upon the following error when running PHPStan:

Invalid configuration:
Unexpected item 'parameters › doctrine'.

How to fix Unable to find "Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\*" entity identifier associated with the UnitOfWork

I was testing a Symfony command today and I got the following unexpected error

08:51:22 CRITICAL  [console] Error thrown while running command "app:* --env=prod". Message: "Unable to find "Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\*" entity identifier associated with the UnitOfWork" ["exception" => Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException^ { …},"command" => "app:* --env=prod","message" => "Unable to find "Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\*" entity identifier associated with the UnitOfWork"]

In EntityNotFoundException.php line 43:

  Unable to find "Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\*" entity identifier associated with the UnitOfWork

How to inspect element in Chrome that toggles on hover or mouse enter event?

Using the Google Chrome debugger is a great way to quickly adjust some CSS variables before you bake them in your CSS/SCSS etc file.

It works great, and CSS has been less painful since the inception of such tools (I've used FireBug in Mozilla Firefox back in the day). 

But occasionally you may need to adjust elements that show or hide on hover, with CSS :hover, or JavaScript mouseenter/mouseleave, mouseover/mouseout events. This is where the pain begins.

But don't worry, I have a simple solution for you!